Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just one of those days...

Do you ever have those days where you just feel like you have so much to do, so many things that you want to do, and just feel inadequate??? Well, that is how I am feeling today... There is really no reason that I feel this way today, I had a good lunch with my sister and fun last night with my cousin at the Lady Antebellum concert. I have a great life, loving family & some really great friends. I am finally in school and have a job waiting for me. I live with my great boyfriend and have our furry children at my feet.
There are definitely things I want to do better at and get in the habit of doing--- such as working out, eating healthy and having productive days. I just need to get the bite of motivation. Hmmm... I need to get everything organized and just get STARTED. That seems to be the hardest thing for me, to just simply get started. Well, now that I have written this blog I feel a bit better and have laid it out for myself. I just need to get Started and everything that I want to accomplish will happen.

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