Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First day of COLLEGE!!!

Yesterday (Monday) was my first day of class & I had my favorite... Math... NOT.
...But, it turned out GREAT! I am not a big math fan, but I think I have a great instructor and will be moving right along with schedule since this is a lab class and I 'may' be able to finish all of my classes earlier than expected. (= If everything goes as planned, I will have my tests every Monday and might be able to start my next class in 6 weeks instead of 8! AND since it is a lab class and I started in such a low level the book I purchased is used for TWO of the classes I need, so I will be able to work on everything early and during our 2 week break between Semesters/Quarters (8 Weeks of classes, 5 Semesters each year).
I am actually looking forward to finishing chapters and finally learning this stuff the right way. (= I was even the first person to turn in our extra-credit problem and got it right the FIRST time! Hopefully this will continue throughout my class. This may be the first time in my life that I get an 'A' in Math.

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